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Greensboro, NC: Personal Injury Attorneys

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You can find many good lawyers who are experienced in personal injury cases in the Greensboro region. Robert O'Hale Jr. William G. Causey Jr. Marcus Edward Hayes, Gabriel Berry & Weston LLP, are just a few examples of these lawyers. These attorneys have been in practice for more than 25 years. They are highly knowledgeable in the areas of personal injury law, domestic violence restraining order law, and other legal matters. They can help you with your insurance claims or financial compensation.

Robert O'Hale

Robert O'Hale, a Greensboro-based attorney, is a specialist in criminal defense cases. His extensive experience includes state court cases. He also represents victims in auto accidents and fights for their rights. He has more three decades' experience as a lawyer and is a Board-certified criminal law specialist. He has successfully litigated cases for clients in Greensboro and across North Carolina.

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William G. Causey Jr

William G. Causey Jr., Greensboro personal injury lawyers, has represented clients in personal injuries cases for over 25 years. His cases include car accidents, chemical exposure and electrocution. He has also handled cases involving robbery, assault, and TBI. His clients have appreciated his professional legal counsel as well as his attention to detail.

Marcus Edward Hayes

Marcus Edward Hayes is an experienced Greensboro attorney who can assist you with personal injury cases. Marcus is a native North Carolinian. He graduated from Columbia University, then went on to Chapel Hill University to obtain a law license. He did an internship in Prince George's County Maryland, at the Office of State's Counsel.

Gabriel Berry & Weston LLP

This is the place to go if you are in need of a Greensboro attorney for personal injury. The attorneys at Gabriel Berry & Weston LLP are focused on personal injury cases, including cases involving automobile accidents, workplace injuries, and injuries caused by chemical exposure and falling. The attorneys have more than 45 years combined legal experience and are skilled in handling TBI cases.

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The Hodgman Legal Firm PA

The Hodgman Law Firm PA is an experienced firm that represents clients in personal injury and workers' compensation cases. This Greensboro law firm represents clients with respect to all aspects of injury law. Robert Hodgman was born in Greensboro and has been practicing law since 1974. He is also an Associate of the College of Workers Compensation Lawyers.


What is the difference between paralegals and legal assistants?

Paralegals are trained to perform specific tasks such as typing, filing, or researching. Legal assistants may assist attorneys in preparing pleadings, drafting motions, or researching. Both types of professionals help attorneys complete their workload.

Are all attorneys required to wear suits?

No, not necessarily. Some people prefer casual wear while others prefer suits. Lawyers often dress casually. However, some states require that lawyers wear business attire.

How many years does it require to become an attorney?

It isn't as easy as you think. You need to study hard for at least four years after high school, but then there are other factors involved too.

To be admitted to law school, you will need to pass the exams. You'll then spend two more years studying law.

After this, you will graduate from law school. Then, you will return to college to complete the bar exam. You are now a licensed attorney if you pass this exam.


  • Though the BLS predicts that growth in employment for lawyers will continue at six percent through 2024, that growth may not be enough to provide jobs for all graduating law school students. (rasmussen.edu)
  • The median annual salary for lawyers in 2016 was $118,160, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). (rasmussen.edu)
  • The nationwide number of first-year students enrolling last fall increased by almost 12%, according to recent data by the American Bar Association. (stfrancislaw.com)
  • A Johns Hopkins study of more than 100 professions found lawyers the most likely to have severe depression—four times more likely than the average person. (rasmussen.edu)
  • The states that saw the biggest increase in average salary over the last 5 years are Rhode Island (+26.6%), Wisconsin (+24.1), Massachusetts (23.2%), Wyoming (18.3%), and North Dakota (18.1%). (legal.io)

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How To

How to make an estate plan with a lawyer

A will is an important legal document determining who gets what after you die. It also contains instructions regarding how to pay any financial debts.

A will must be written by a solicitor and signed by at least two witnesses. You have the option to opt not to create a will if everything is to be left to someone else, with no restrictions on how they spend it. However, this may lead to problems later when you cannot consent to medical treatment or decide where people live.

The state can appoint trustees to administer your estate until you are buried. This includes paying all your debts off and giving away any property. If there is no will, the trustees will sell your house and distribute the proceeds among your beneficiaries. They will also charge a fee for administering your estate.

There are three main reasons why you need to draw up a will. It protects your loved-ones from being left in financial ruin. It makes sure that your wishes are honored after your death. It also makes it easier to designate an executor (person who will carry out your wishes).

The first step is to contact a solicitor to discuss your options. The cost of a will depends on whether you're single, married, or widowed. In addition to writing a will, solicitors can advise you on other matters such as:

  • Give gifts to your family
  • Guardianship of children
  • Paying off loans
  • Manage your affairs while you're still alive
  • Avoid probate
  • How to avoid capital gain tax on assets being sold
  • What happens to your house if you pass away before it is sold?
  • Who pays the funeral costs?

You can either write your will yourself or ask a friend or relative to help. Remember, however, that if you sign a will at the request of another person, you cannot change it afterward.

Greensboro, NC: Personal Injury Attorneys